Taranjeet Singh is the founder of Ruler marine products. He is very experienced person in the fishery cultivation business. Ruler marine products is currently into fish hatchery and culture business. They also provide fishery designs to our clients, which are highly flexible and are tailored to the requirements of the site, species produced, geographic location, funding, and personal preferences. Ruler marine’s hatchery facilities are far and wide and coupled to larger on-growing operations. Generalized commercial-scale hatchery contains a bloodstock holding and spawning area, feed culture facility, larval culture area, juvenile culture area, pump facilities, laboratory, quarantine area, and offices and bathrooms. They produce both consumable and ornamental fishes.
Ruler Marine has the responsibility to be the link between their clients and the national market. They have dedicated and effective teams that have a clear mission and purpose for their regular work which helps them work efficiently.
Ruler Marine has made it its mission to dedicate its resources to the cause of producing high-quality fish from its farms.